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Home / Dan's Diary / Welcome 2016! A new year, a new look, and taking action.
The Loft, Little Creatures, Fremantle WA

Welcome 2016! A new year, a new look, and taking action.

Time to celebrate! This will be the first official post for my personal website. A project too long in the making will finally come to fruition this year, regardless of what state it’s in. It’s progress has always been hindered because I have a habit of saying “It’s not ready to go live! It’s not ready to go live!” and I’m done with waiting! Why must I make things large and complex? When will it ever be ready? Hopefully it’s never complete and stays as an ongoing commitment to write. So sit back and watch and the site builds in functionality and features, bit by bit, day by day.

Yeah! 2016 is hear! I’m forecasting a fulfilling year jam packed of excitement, new experiences, lessons learned and a whole lot of dabbling into the unknown. Hard to say where I’ll wind up, but that’s half the fun of getting lost in ones ideas and exploring new pathways!

We’ve started out the year with a cold pint of pale ale, good friends, live jazz and a beautiful sunset gifted to us at the beautiful location of The Loft @ Little Creatures Brewery in Fremantle, Western Australia. How can one not be optimistic!

So Happy New Year to you all. Best wishes in all your endeavors and I hope we can share a journey or two together sometime.

– Dan

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